AUTHOR: Dorlana Vann
EDITION: Kindle eBook
WEBSITE: http://www.dorlanavann.com/ http://www.supernaturalfairytales.net/
TWITTER: @SNFairyTales
ACQUIRED: review copy
Once upon a time Granny was attacked by a werewolf. Eighteen years later her grandson, Aiden Young, arrives in Indiana for his aunt’s funeral, and his unfortunate discovery of the family secret leads to a fatal mistake. Before the weekend is over, he’s trapped by a blizzard along with his superstitious cousin, Diesel, and Scarlet, Diesel’s manipulative girlfriend. In his grandmother’s spooky, old house in the middle of the woods, the teen faces life and death decisions: who can be trusted, and who needs to be saved? However, he must first figure out what the true monster is… werewolf or fear. Because in this Little Red Riding Hood-inspired supernatural fairy tale, the roles of prey and predator become interchangeable.
Diesel, his girlfriend Scarlet, and his cousin Aiden are snowed in, trapped with a weregranny upstairs.
Great spin on Little Red Riding Hood. Would be completely terrifying having the big bad wolf trying to kill you from the inside out. The wolf is the beast trapped inside you once you have been bitten and the only hope you, and the people that surround you, of surviving is to try not to lose your mind to the beast. Silverweed is the only solution that has been found to help granny not lose herself completely. But what if granny didn't get her silverweed?
I loved all the characters. Scarlett was so annoying though, I just wanted her to hurry up and get killed off, but she did grow on me. She was selfish and controlling at first, but that just seemed to be because she had no control over her own life. Aiden was my absolute favorite and I hope he gets a full length book of his own one day.
I had no idea what was going to happen to who next. Great spins. Great characters.
It's a short, fast read. Too short, if you ask me. I wanted more. Loved it.