BY: Natasha Mostert
PAGES: 395
PAGES: 395
WEBSITE: http://www.natashamostert.com/
AQUIRED: Purchase
SUMMARY: Gabriel Blackstone is a computer hacker and a remote viewer, which gives him the availability to enter other peoples minds. When his ex girlfriend comes to him to help find out what happened to her stepson before her husbands dies, Gabriel finds himself in the middle of a murder mystery. His investigation leads him to the Monk house where he meets Morrighan and Minnaloushe, two sisters that are solar witches. After a session of remote viewing he knows one of the sisters committed the crime, but which one? He becomes entranced with the sisters and their world of alchemy and the Art of Memory. Gabriel falls in love with one of the sisters, the one who writes the diary, but he has no idea which sister that is.
I was excited about reading this book because of the description on the back cover suggesting, if you liked Anne Rice you would like this book and comparing it to Interview with a Vampire. Supposedly it was to be filled with eroticism and magic. Well, this is no Anne Rice book, not even close. It was a struggle to keep reading it. There really isn't that much about witches or alchemy either. It's mainly about memory and how these two women think having a strong memory will bring you to enlightenment. I did find it interesting how the books makes you see how weak are memories are these days. We don't have to remember information any more with the Internet, we don't even have to memorize how to spell words anymore with spellcheck. I don't even know my husbands cell phone number because all I have to do is push 3 on the phone to call him. You might like this book though, I don't know, maybe I was expecting too much.