
This is a place for my opinions on what I read, some movies or whatever else I find interesting. I love reading. I can find something positive about everything I read, at least I hope I can. I understand it takes a great deal of love and effort to write a book and to get it published. An author does not set out to write a crappy book, this is/was their baby. They got up at all hours of the night to feed it.

I don't see how you can give a true review of a book rushing through it. Don't you need to savor it a bit? I don't want my opinion to discourage anyone from reading. I hope you find something here you find interesting.

I buy most of my books, I get a few ARC, and I visit my library when my funds are low. I'm not trying to get you to buy anything by my opinions on the books I've read. I don't care if you buy it, borrow it, or check it out at the library. Just read. :)

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Read-A-Thon mini Challenge

Book made into a movie: ok I'd pick Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick but I would cast it with teenage stars from the 90's. Now I know its not possible to do that but I think they would be perfect actors for the part if it were let's say 20 years ago.
Nora: Keri Russell
Patch: Johnny Depp


  1. Oooh. I've seen that book in a bookstore, I think? It sounded interesting. :)

    Hey, I've seen a few of your comments around, cheering people on. Since it made me happy to have someone cheer me while I'm cheering others, I'm going to pass on the favor. ;)

    I hope you're doing okay, and enjoying yourself! ;)

    And, and, I must say I have a thing for faeries too! Heehee, love your theme. <333

    Off to spread some pixie dust~ ;)


  2. I haven't read this one, but I'd watch anything with Johnny Depp in it!

    Hope you enjoyed the readathon!!

  3. ha! I love the book-to-movie creativity of thinking up who should play parts in books.


Sleeping Beauty Fairies


hush, hush




Book Odor Removal:

I bought a book at a library book sale, it had a strange odor. Someone gave me this suggestion to remove the smell, and it worked, so I thought I'd share.
Put the book in a ziploc bag along with 1/3 cup(more or less) of Arm & Hammer baking soda and seal shut. Leave the book alone for 2 or 3 days. It worked for me, hope it helps you too.


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